How do we see the future of science and the future scientist?
On May 16, The LNVH Spring Symposium will focus on the development of a new approach to 'recognising and rewarding academics'. During our Spring Symposium we want to work towards a concrete list of actions and recommendations to realise a systemic change on recognition and rewarding, that can serve as input for the Scientist 2030-event, as well as a position paper to be presented to NWO, VSNU, NFU and ZonMw.
Be part of the change and work on concrete ideas to stimulate and strengthen an inclusive work climate.

Tijd: 12.30-17.30
Plaats: Muntgebouw Utrecht, 90 Leidseweg, 3531 BG Utrecht

LNVH (Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren) aims to promote the proportionate representation of women in academia.